Getting customers in the China market was already expensive and the 2019 capital winter makes live for startups even harder, says William Bao Bean, managing director of the Shanghai-based SOSV. That might be bad news initially, but makes them more competitive in the longer run, he says according to Pymnts, quoting the Financial Times.Read More →

China’s internet companies are moving fast into India, but find a very different situation, says William Bao Bean, managing director of the Shanghai-based Chinaccelator and founder of the MOX SOSV’s Mobile-Only Accelerator. India is very diverse, offering a more competitive environment. Read More →

When companies cannot pay enough, they often give their key people fancy titles, like Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). But startup guru William Bao Bean, the managing director of Shanghai-based startup accelerator Chinaccelerator, warns against titles with a ‘C’ in it, unless it is your CEO, especially when you are a startup, he tells Phocuswire.Read More →

China’s economic slowdown has mainly hit local VC’s, says William Bao Bean, managing director of the Chinaccelerator, at A government crackdown on risky investments and the fallout from the trade war is hitting the industry after the 2017-2018 boom. Local venture capital firms that raise money and investRead More →

From a cash country, where transactions were done by moving plastic bags with money between bank branches, China has turned into a leading force in fintech or financiel technology. Mobile payment are standard. Bitcoins and blockchain technology found in China early adopters. Social media have – more than anywhere in the world – adopted payment systems to facilitate online trade.Read More →

China’s competitive landscape is changing fast, and the blooming incubators for startups offer multinational a much-needed edge in local competition, says William Bao Bean, managing director of the Chinaccellator in Shanghai to Forbes. “When you’re under pressure and local players are taking market share from you, you look to innovation.”Read More →

In China, the internet is the economy. SOSV managing director William Bao Bean explains how international firms can enter the China market. With magic information on how Tencent and their WeChat dominate the playing field, and how you can win that war. And how Chinese companies are conquering the world.Read More →

Tech companies in China became big by asking their workers to make long hours, 996 in jargon. But those days are over says business analyst Shaun Rein to CBS. Not only is it illegal to let people work those long hours, but qualified workers also leave their jobs, because they want to have a life next to their work too.Read More →