Pressure is up on US president Trump to act against China in trade issues. Trump has been avoiding harsh action up to now, and political analyst Victor Shih warns that with a major political conference ahead, moderation will not be high on the country’s agenda, he tells Bloomberg.Read More →

HNA was the last in a row of Chinese conglomerates, losing support from their most important financial backers. In the slipstream details emerged about the hidden ownership structure behind HNA. But most of these ownership relations remain opaque says political analyst Victor Shih to Fortune.Read More →

President Xi Jinping’s position at the helm of his country seems pretty secure, says political analyst Victor Shih, author of Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation to the Economist. Although, his support at the next layer in the Party seems pretty meagre, he adds.Read More →

The scandal that rocked the once-famous private Minsheng bank has put the question of the role of the government towards the banking system. Bailing out banks create more problems than it solves, says financial analyst Victor Shih to the New York Times.Read More →

President Xi Jinping´s speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos has been greeted with enthusiasm by global corporate leaders, confronted with opposite movements from Donald Trump and the Brexit. But political analyst Victor Shih warns it does not mean China is heartily embracing economic liberalism, he tells the LA Times.Read More →