The formal arrest and expected trial of Zhou Yongkang means a change in how China is dealing with its ruling elite, tells political scientist Victor Shih in the International Business Times. “No leader is safe from corruption investigation… We see now the rule by law.”Read More →

April had no shortage of news, and fortunately, our monthly top-5 of most-read stories at the China Speakers Bureau mirror those current affairs very well. Not only Bo Xilai made it into our top-5, but also Zhang Lijia’s appeal to repeal the death penalty for business women Wu YingRead More →

Is it like the Gang of Four in 1976? Or Tiananmen in 1989? Or the dismissal of Chen Liangyu in 2006? Commentators struggle to find a comparison. The downfall of Bo Xilai certainly showed cracks in the varnish of unity among China’s leaders, tells political analyst Victor Shih in the Voice of America.Read More →