Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Home Depot and BestBuy were just two of the foreign companies in China that failed, while the consumer market is reaching record heights. Shaun Rein explains what they were missing in CNBC. First, they get China’s middle class wrong: For one, Western brands needRead More →

US senator Charles Schumer via Wikipedia Is China closing its doors, as companies like GE, BASF and Siemens say, or is it more open than ever, as the country’s officials say? It’s a matter of perception, writes Shaun Rein in CNBC, especially now America’s economy is in trouble and politiciansRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Shaun Rein is shocked by the American fear and anger towards China, including the misplaced rethoric against China’s currency, he reports in CNBC. “Many attribute China’s boom as a result of stealing American jobs and intellectual property, rather than efficient economic policies and hardRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Chinese brands have started to beat the foreign ones, tells Shaun Rein in CNNgo. It is time for the foreign brands to get worried about ‘made in China’. “There’s definitely been a shift in perception [of Chinese brands],” says Shaun Rein, managing director ofRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr The situation in China has very little in common with Egypt, says Shain Rein in CNBC, but China’s leadership can learn a few lessons from the country’s turmoil. When trouble will occur, it will come from the students, not the middle class. While itRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr America should not give in on its core values like its democracy, writes Shaun Rein in Forbes, but it can most certainly learn a few lessons from the way China dealt with the financial crisis. First, although China’s leaders are not elected democratically, theyRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Shaun Rein recalls in CNBC a proposed investment of US§ 50 million in a Chinese internet venture that did not exist, and was only cancelled after some solid due dilligence was done. The investor “had only been to China once, when the CEO ofRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr US investors should be very cautious spending their money on Chinese companies like bookseller Dangdang or video hosting company Youku who have no clear business model or otherwise a hard time to show a profit, warns Shaun Rein in this debate on CNBC. WhileRead More →

Hu Jintao via Wikipedia The military take on president Hu Jintao by testing their J-20 stealth fighter just days before he leave for the US, writes John Pomfret in the Washington Post. Wrong, argues Shaun Rein in CNBC. The opposite is true. President Hu is undoubtedly quite in control ofRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Many upcoming global brands in China still suffer from their ‘made in China’ stigma, Shaun Rein tells CNBC. “The ‘Made in China’ stigma is serious,” flagged Shaun Rein, managing director of Shanghai-based China Market Research Group, adding that Chinese brands need to establish an elementRead More →

Image by Fantake via Flickr Shaun Rein met over New Year in Beijing many confident officials, but he sees in Forbes at least three concerns for 2011, inflation on number one: Even though official inflation was 5.1% in November, every day the Chinese feel much more of a squeeze thanRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Women have been driving the Chinese consumer market for a long time, but now Chinese men are miving in and focusing more on skin care products and other cosmetics, tells Shaun Rein in this discussion on  CNBC. Not only foreign brands like L’Oreal, butRead More →