The geopolitical arguments between China and the USA are developing fast. Renowned economist Arthur Kroeber takes the stock right now as US treasury secretary Yellen visits Beijing, for the NPR. How can two major economies disentangle if they rely so much on each other?Read More →

Many observers have been pessimistic about China’s recent leadership changes and the centralization under Xi Jinping. Still, renowned economist Arthur Kroeber sees a significant upside, at least for the short term. Also, what is Xi Jinping’s vision for the country’s economic development?Read More →

A default of the US is highly unlikely, even in the current chaotic political setting in the United States, says leading China economist Arthur Kroeber, but today the risks for China are much higher than during the 2008-2009 crisis. A crisis would not offer an opportunity to build an international financial system around the Renminbi, next to the US dollar, he adds in the ChinaFile.Read More →

Leading economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®, discusses how China’s leadership balances between control and economic growth, looking at the zero-Covid policies and the property crisis at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and the Harvard Kennedy School Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia.Read More →

Many analysts took a negative view of Xi Jinping’s more centralized grip on China’s policies, but leading economist Arthur Kroeber looks at it differently, at least in the short run. Major problems like the zero-covid approach and the downturn of property have already benefited from Xi’s more coherent approach, Kroeber says at the Starr forum at MIT.Read More →

China’s real economic problem: they increase capital spending, but are not able to improve productivity that is already at a shockingly low level, says leading economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®, at a panel at CSIS discussing with Thomas Orlik, Chief Economist for Bloomberg Economics, and author of the book, China: The Bubble That Never Pops. While an economic collapse is unlikely, a grinding halt to economic development might be its largest danger, Kroeber adds.Read More →

Leading China economist Arthur Kroeber discusses the basis of the country’s economic growth and its relations with the US, at a panel of the Brown China Summit. Kroeber “explained that China’s alignment with Russia is an effort to erode the current U.S. global order in order to create more space for the two countries.”Read More →

China faces not only its most prominent problem Evergrande but a range of issues, says leading economist Arthur Kroeber in the New York Times. Shortage of electricity, dealing with its big tech companies and many other in-debted giants offer similar challenges. “The common feature of these crises: All were triggered by government policies,” he writes.Read More →