A range of experts and politicians might be hoping for a larger international role of China’s currency, the yuan, but China’s leaders are in no hurry to do so, tells economic analyst Arthur Kroeber in the South China Morning Post. The South China Morning Post: Arthur Kroeber, Beijing-based managing directorRead More →

The story China’s economy is a bubble that is about to burst, exists as long as the country’s economy started to boom. Economic analyst Arthur Kroeber explains in NPR why we do not need to worry right now and why signs of bubbles are part of the game.Read More →

The United States are using China’s currency, the Renminbi, as a scapegoat to hide its economic problems are created by themselves, argues economic analyst Arthur Kroeber in The New York Times. China is using its currency as a development tool, as so many countries did in the past.Read More →

Diminishing water resources might force China to import large amounts of grain in the future, tells economic analyst Arthur Kroeber in Business Week. Although it might first groom domestic players like Cofco, before facing competitors like Cargill on a global market place.Read More →