Arthur Kroeber China is ready for democracy, but its ‘middle class’ is opposing it, writes Arthur Kroeber on Tuesday in the Financial Times.In debates the emerging consumers and the Chinese governments most media depict both as opposing forces in the struggle for more democracy, but according to Kroeber they areRead More →

Kaiser Kuo Kaiser Kuo’s plea to foreign correspondents attending the Beijing Olympics to forget the cliches about China, made it today to Reuters. “I think the highest blood boiler for me is the phrase ‘coming-out party’,” he told Reuters after writing a tongue-in-cheek column warning the media of the pitfallsRead More →

Kaiser Kuo China and the internet are hitting the international agenda yet again as the Beijing Olympics draw near. That is a good moment to listen to our own internet guru Kaiser Kuo, former journalist, now director digital strategy at Ogilvy in Beijing. Taking on journalistic cliches about China, explainingRead More →

Johnny L. Chan Alright, this could have happened everyday. Here in the radio program Marketplace, three of our prominent speakers at The China Speakers Bureau explain US companies what problems they might face when entering the China market.They disagree profoundly with each other. Shaun Rein of research company CMR explainsRead More →

Shaun Rein In another powerful argument Shaun Rein explains to Bloomberg why Olympic sponsoring is not helping the advertisers much in China this year. “Eighty percent of the Chinese does not care who the sponsor is,” he says. “Advertisers fail to understand what the consumers want.”More at Bloomberg. Shaun ReinRead More →

Tom Doctoroff Olympic advertising touched on specific Chinese sentiments, by using Chinese athletes’ parents to get their message out, writes the Wall Street Journal, quoting JWT‘s Tom Doctoroff: “The parents were shy,” says Tom Doctoroff, the north Asia chief executive of WPP Group‘s JWT, which made the Satine ad forRead More →

Paul French The production of Christmas presents is getting under heavy pressure because of the restrictions on visas for China, tells China-guru Paul French the Guardian. Because buyers, inspectors and others cannot enter China because of the restrictions, our presents might be late or very expensive. “With a lot ofRead More →

Barbara Krug Barbara Krug, professor at RSM – The Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the leading business school in the Netherlands, has joined the China Speakers Bureau as a speaker. Ms Krug is an expert on the economic developments in China, especially the position of private entrepreneurs. She is also developingRead More →

Image via Wikipedia One of our best visited section on this website is the ‘category’ section, where we try to define what sections our speakers belong to. We get some pressure from our speakers, who can think of half a dozen other categories where they would fit in. But weRead More →

eliazar via FlickrThe intercultural dilemma’s Do not make jokes, is one of the main warnings we give speakers when they have to address an audience that is different from their own background. We are not only talking about addressing Chinese audiences, I have been listening to US speakers and hadRead More →

Tom Doctoroff, one of our celebrity speakers The website of the China Speakers Bureau has gone live this weekend. There is still some fine tuning to be done, speakers to be added and tools to be developed, but we were ready to the launch and went out of beta. DoRead More →