the Foxconn girl I have mostly ignored the hype of the so-called iPhone girl, a girl from the Foxconn factories in Shenzhen that became famous, because some of her pictures were left on an iPhone that emerged abroad. The Chinese internet has many of those hypes and I have onlyRead More →

cross-cultural dilemma’sWikipedia Today I was asked by a potential client to give a few possibilities from our stable of speakers who are able to discuss with US-based senior executives cross-cultural dilemma’s for working in China. That was a tough pick, since we have a decent group of speakers who couldRead More →

A German-German deal got in placeGetty Images via Daylife Officially global expansion might be high on China’s agenda, but financially disastrous purchases in the past have made the central authorities rather careful. China’s Development Bank (CDB), a financial institution controlled by that central government, failed to buy the German DresdnerRead More →

Howard French The former Shanghai correspondent of the New York Times Howard French has joined the China Speakers Bureau as a participant. Currently French is associate professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.Howard French has not only been a keep observer of China’s fast development, he also calledRead More →

Arthur Kroeber Coca-Cola is coughing up USD 2.4 billion to acquire China’s leading juice maker, the Huiyuan Juice group, spending much more than the current value of the Chinese company, writes AFP.Analysts, including consulent Arthur Kroeber of Dragonomic in Beijing, have mixed feelings about the purchage, to put it midly.AccordingRead More →

I have started to work with Google Chrome (now just for testing) and I can proudly announce that as far as I can see our website is having no issues with the new browser. Famous geek blogger Scobleizer reported some issues for some websites.  Main problem: my interface at (alsoRead More →

Rowan Gibson Innovation is a key subject on China‘s political and economic agenda, so the China Speakers Bureau is happy to represent also leading business strategist Rowan Gibson as a speaker.Next to his speaking engagements, Rowan Gibson also conducts a lot of Innovation Masterclass events, which are usually one-, two-Read More →

Shaun Rein Beijing authorities have plans to keep on using the Olympics to attract tourists for later this year, writes the WSJ, but CMR’s Shaun Rein only expects a rebound next year when visa-restrictions are expected to have been cleared.Tourism and business travel before and during the Beijing Olympics haveRead More →

Arthur Kroeber Chinese overseas investments are more feared than those from Japan, says consultant Arthur Kroeber of Dragonomics in an analysis by the newsagency Reuters on China’s economic future. Arthur Kroeber, head of the Dragonomics consultancy in Beijing, is convinced that urbanization, productivity gains and fast-rising incomes bode well forChinaRead More →

via Wikipedia We have added a few tools that make it easier for you to ask us questions. First and for all, we help you to pick a good speakers. We represent hundreds of speakers. If you would like us to help you select the right speaker on China orRead More →

When you think new media are today about introducing every more new stuff, you might be wrong. I have been working on getting Skypecasts, a service by Skype to allow large scale numbers of people to join calls, as a tool for the China Speakers Bureau. What we are missingRead More →

Getty Images via Daylife The Beijing Olympics were of course a great way for our speakers to get some attention from the media for their specific viewpoints on the Olympics. From a short note I just sent to our speakers: We had a few big hits, as Shaun Rein alreadyRead More →