Kaiser Kuo Kaiser Kuo gets a nice chance from uberblogger Shel Israel to explain the basic misconceptions of Western media (including bloggers) when it comes to China. Part of a lengthy interview: The assumption that Chinese political authority speaks with a single voice. China is a continent-sized country, and itsRead More →

Paul French As everybody is still guessing how the global financial crisis and a possible recession would affect China, any glimpse of a recession would be new in China, says China consultant Paul French to Sky News. “We are off the map when that happens.” “No one here has knownRead More →

William Bao Beanby Fons1 via FlickrSocial networking can also be a language tool, says William Bao Bean, director of italki.com from Shanghai and speaker at the China Speakers Bureau, in a recent article in the South China Morning Post. “It’s a twist to the original Web 2.0 concept… Instead ofRead More →

Mark Schaub, this month’s fastest mover Surprising changes in this month “most-sought speaker”, compared to the scores in September. Some of our leading speakers have suddenly dropped off the list and we see a range of relative new-comers in our top-10.One of the reasons for that change could be thatRead More →

Arthur Kroeberby Fons1 via FlickrChina has its fair share of social problems, but none it getting out of control, says Arthur Kroeber, managing director of the Beijing research firm Dragonomics in the German edition of the Financial Times. China is not heading for a social crisis, as some assume, heRead More →

Shaun Rein Wealthy Chinese and international travelers make the hotel industry a bright spot in China, says Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group in the Wall Street Journal, as major hotel chains announced to expand their investments despite the ongoing financial crisis. Mr. Rein said heRead More →

Rich Kuslan Where is the Letter of Credit (L/C), wonders Rich Kuslan at his weblog Asiabizblog. The freeze at the interbanking lending might bring trade with China to a standstill. Companies completely dependent upon product purchased overseas by means of letters of credit could be badly affected if L/Cs willRead More →

When you make use of a speakers’ bureau like ours, it makes sense to get the best out of it. How can you do that? By making use of our expertise. A few times too often we are being approached by companies and organizations who ask for a specific speakerRead More →

What might happen to retail? by Fons1 via FlickrOver at the China Herald we have started what is now called the “China Crisis Watch”, following the fallout of the global financial crisis on China, and the other way around. As the stock markets worldwide crash, the question what China isRead More →

William Bao BeanFons1 via FlickrThe stock markets worldwide continue their crash south and financial leaders gather in Washington to discuss further measure to stop the global financial crisis. But China has still been rather quiet, as if it is only marginally part of the economic downturn.How correct is that, whatRead More →

Image by Fons1 via Flickr Tom Doctoroff The China brand has suffered a severe set back through the milk melamine scandal, after the successful Olympics, writes Tom Doctoroff in the Huffington Post. Sixty thousand babies with kidney stones is cause tremendous damage, especially in China itself. In Europe and theRead More →