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Most-sought speakers in November 2008
Victor Shih, the highest newcomer In the third monthly overview of the top-10 most-sought speaker for the China Speakers Bureau we see that the top is remarkable stable, compared to our listing in October. The other half has been replaced by other speakers, with newcomer Victor Shih – we enlistedRead More →
Expected: the shake-up of the automotive industry – Shaun Rein
Shaun Reinby Fons1 via FlickrThe Chinese automotive industry is expecting a shake-up, not a meltdown like elsewhere in the world, says Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group in an interview with Bloomberg.Consumers in China are still going strong, Rein discovered from research. Seventy percent will goRead More →
What’s in it for the environment? – Charles McElwee
Charles McElweeby Fons1 via FlickrWhile much of China’s four trillion Renminbi rescue package is window dress, there is still a lot of new money available for the environment, hopes Charles McElwee on his weblog. However, fully 25% of the total (US$146 billion) is reportedly earmarked for “environmental protection.” A significantRead More →
Zhang Lijia at the Shanghai Foreign Correspondents Club
SZhang Lijiaby Fons1 via Flickr“From the rocket factory to the international media: a personal memoir of 30 years of reform and opening” is the theme of renowned author Zhang Lijia on 20 November at a meeting of the Shanghai Foreign Correspondents Club.From the invitation: Now a writer, journalist and regularRead More →
Electricity: from shortage to glut – Arthur Kroeber
Arthur Kroeberby Fons1 via FlickrA familiar pattern in how China tried to reform its electricity industry, but failed to do a decent job, describes Arthur Kroeber in the Financial Times. In less than half a year China changed regular shortages into a glut: under influence of the current crisis, demandRead More →
The truth about China’s financial promises – Victor Shih
Victor Shih Both the four trillion renminbi (450 billion euro) and the share rescue package of 930 billion Renminbi are not a way to spend China to economic safety, writes assistant-professor Victor Shih in his latest analysis of the country’s financial policies. Most of the four trillion Renminbi will beRead More →
Charity on the rise – Paul French
Paul Frenchby Fons1 via FlickrPhilanthropy is making headway into China, writes China-consultant Paul French in Ethical Corporation. China’s rich are more confident and start to give more of their wealth to charity. Philanthropy, charity, donating … these are all new words in China. Last year business magazine Forbes announced thatRead More →
Some window dressing before the global show – Arthur Kroeber
Hu Jintaovia WikipediaChina’s 450 billion euro package has been part of setting the stage ahead of the global financial meeting on Saturday in Washington, says Arthur Kroeber, managing director of the Beijing consultancy Dragonomics in USA Today.President Hu Jintao is joining the meeting for China and the country wants toRead More →
KFC, one of the best US companies moving into China – Shaun Rein
Shaun Rein by Fons1 via FlickrIn the midst of many failures, KFC has been one of the best American companies moving into China, argues Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group, in the CIB-magazine. Rein supports largely the positive case made by Warren Liu, in his bookRead More →
The government can mobilize enourmous resources – Arthur Kroeber
Arthur Kroeberby Fons1 via FlickrThis is pretty major, says Arthur Kroeber of the consultancy firm Dragonomics in Reuters, about the four trillion Renminbi (euro 450 billion) investment China’s central government into its economy. ‘It reflects the official view of how serious this problem is and shows that this is aRead More →
“You need the right system for innnovation” – Rowan Gibson
Rowan Gibsonby Fons1 via FlickrA good intention only gets you so far, says Rowan Gibson in one of his recent key note speeches. “Intentions are not enough, you also need to get the systems in place, just as we did with quality.”As the financial crisis hits companies worldwide, innovation becomeRead More →
All bets are off – Kaiser Kuo
Kaiser Kuoby Fons1 via Flickr“All bets are off now that the credit crisis is lapping at China’s shores,” says Kaiser Kuo, group director digital strategies of Ogilvy in Beijing in an interview with Adam Schokora. With funding as tight as it’s going to be in the time frame, you specify,Read More →