Zhang Lijiaby Fons1 via FlickrMaking it into the famous online encyclopedia Wikipedia is a benchmark for our writers. A few have crossed the line into fame and we are happy to report that Zhang Lijia has now her own entry.Zhang Lijia is anyway on a fast track as a celebrityRead More →

Shaun Rein, most-sought speaker Today we launched the first edition of our China Speakers Bureau newsletter. You can look at it here. Theme of this month: what are our leading voices saying about the position of China in the ongoing economic crisis. As you might imagine: they have very diverseRead More →

Rupert Hoogewerfby Getty Images via DaylifeHuang Guangyu, China’s richest person and chairman of the Gome Holdings, has never been a public figure, says China-rich list compiler Rupert Hoogewerf to Bloomberg after his arrest. Huang has topped his list of richest Chinese three times in a row. Hoogewerf: “He rarely comesRead More →

Al Gore: too expensive?via WikipediaThe New York Times has a nice analysis on how the speakers’ business is faring under the now-expected economic recession. While big ticket speakers like Al Gore are hit severely by a reduction of available funding, demand remains strong in the cheaper sections. “They all say,Read More →

Xu Ping We already heard the stories about Taiwanese factory owners in Guangdong who left their close-to bankrupt enterprises over the wall that was designed to keep people out. But for larger companies like Foxconn such a fast departure is not that easy.Foxconn has been in the middle of quiteRead More →

Arthur Kroeberby Fons1 via FlickrWhile China’s growth might take a hit, its fundamentals are still in place, says economic analyst Arthur Kroeber in Time. “People who don’t follow China on a regular basis can miss some of the underlying drivers,” says Kroeber, who runs the consulting firm Dragonomics. Kroeber spellsRead More →

At the China Speakers Bureau we are setting up a newsletter, that will keep you updated about what is happening with our speakers and their contributions to the China debate. Expect the first issue soon and you can sign nu now, so you won’t miss that. In the first edition:Read More →

Bill Fischerby Fons1 via FlickrFour out of ten innovative companies are coming from Asia, says IMD-professor Bill Fischer and program director about a ground-breaking program on “driving strategic innovation”. Fischer is expanding the program from Europe and North-America to Singapore, he tells. In Business Week’s list of the “ten mostRead More →

James Farrer by Fons1 via FlickrI just walked into this weblog, the Speaker Launcher blog, meant for speakers and giving them advice. Great stuff if you are not sure how to deal with your career as a speaker. A few years ago they gave great tips on how to dealRead More →

Victor Shih China’s state-owned enterprises are struggling to get their piece of the rescue capital the central government is pumping into the economy, writes financial expert Victor Shih in his analysis of China’s bailout. Details on who gets what money are still scarce but state-owned companies – good for 30Read More →