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Being a princeling no longer a nono – Victor Shih
Deng Xiaoping would be upsetvia WikipediaFor a long time, and up to not so long ago, making use of your bloodlines was not done for descendants of Communist celebrities, writes Victor Shih at his weblog. But the princelings – as they are called – now make full use of theirRead More →
Year of the Ox, year of the bull
Image by chooyutshing via FlickrEvery animal in the Chinese zodiac seems to have a hang-up. Is it the year of the rat or – because of the perceived evilness in the West of the rat – should it be rather called the year of the mouse? The new year hasRead More →
Lack of capital still hurting business – Rupert Hoogewerf
Rupert Hoogewerfby Getty Images via DaylifeThirty years ago has opened its economy, but for entrepreneurs the main problem is still the same, access to capital, says China’s rich list maker Rupert Hoogewerf in an interview with the leading German newspaper Die Sueddeutsche. “All rich in China have founded their ownRead More →
CSB newsletter for January is out
Image by Getty Images via DaylifeThe China Speakers Bureau has sent out its newsletter for January 2009, with some predictions by our speakers on what to expect for 2009. Expected theme for the February 2009 newsletter: what is Barack Obama going to mean for the relations between China and theRead More →
Most sought speakers – January 2008
Kaiser Kuoby Fons1 via FlickrOur January edition of the list of most-sought speakers at the China Speakers Bureau is covering much of the past holidays, so changes have been light, comparead to our December list. Highest newcomer was Kaiser Kuo, who raised quite a lot of interest with the tourRead More →
Steel industry needs reform rather than stimulus – Arthur Kroeber
Arthur Kroeberby Fons1 via FlickrChina’s heavy industry needs rather readjustment to the current overcapacity in stead of a stimulus package, China analyst Arthur Kroeber tells The Australian in an critical view on how China is dealing with the current economic downturn.Arthur Kroeber: “The message is clear: China’s heavy industry sectorRead More →
China’s rich become triftier as fortunes melt away – Rupert Hoogewerf
Rupert Hoogewerfby Getty Images via DaylifeThe wealth of China’s millionaires has halved at the end of 2008, says Rupert Hoogewerf, composer of the China’ rich list in the China Daily. And they are also tightening their belts. “In the two months from early September to early November, the average wealthRead More →
Upcoming: the CSB January newsletter
Sam Flemmingby Fons1 via FlickrAt the global offices of the China Speakers Bureau we have started to make our January 2009 newsletter, with predictions of our speakers for 2009, the top-10 of most-sought speakers and tips on how to select a good speaker.Since our launch in November the number ofRead More →
Zhang Lijia on book tour in India
Zhang Lijiaby Fons1 via FlickrCelebrity speaker and author Zhang Lijia will visit India on a book tour at the end of January. Her book “Socialism is great!” is fast conquering larger audiences worldwide.After her arrivel in Delhi, she will be attending the Jaipur Literature Festival from 22 till 25 January.Read More →
Chemical company plays hardball with Xiamen gov. – Charles McElwee
Charles McElweeby Fons1 via FlickrChina Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) approved last Friday also the PX-project that has moved from Xiamen to Zhangzhou after fierce protest from its citizens. Environmental lawyer Charles McElwee notes in his weblog interesting deals that are part of the final approval. “The Xiamen government hasRead More →
China’s pharma’s go global – Shaun Rein
Image via WikipediaShaun Rein of the China Market Research Group (CMR) continues his analysis of Chinese companies going global, depicting today the young, but fast developing pharmaceutical industry. His by many scandals trust is a key word among China’s food and drug producers, domestically and internationally. Pharmaceutical company respondents understoodRead More →
Massive investments in China’s environment – Charles McElwee
Charles McElweeby Fons1 via FlickrChina’s Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) approved on Friday 153 projects worth 470 billion Renminbi (47 bn euro), environmental lawyer Charles McElwee announced at his weblog. All are part of the four trillion Renminbi package announced in 2008 by the central government as part of theRead More →