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Xinjiang riots have no big impact – Arthur Kroeber
Arthur Kroeber by Fantake via Flickr The dramatic scenes from Xinjiang are unlikely to have a big impacts on China as a whole, says Arthur Kroeber in media comments, days after the riots started in China’s remote Uighur region. “In terms of China’s domestic economy, it is in a remoteRead More →
China travel market grows despite crisis – William Bao Bean
William Bao Bean by Fantake via Flickr Despite dropping occupations rates in Beijing and later possibly Shanghai, China’s travel market is still growing, despite the crisis, says William Bao Bean, partner at Softbank India and China Holdings, according to 4Hoteliers. He sees much future for online bookings. One area that’s beenRead More →
Organizing CSR-mart 2009 – Rupert Hoogewerf
Rupert Hoogewerf by Getty Images via Daylife Today the Hurun Report from Rupert Hoogewerf and Ammado organized the first CSR-mart in Shanghai, both organization announced in a press release. Hurun or Rupert Hoogewerf was one of the people giving an opening speech. “The Wenchuan Earthquake has been a turning pointRead More →
Chinese brands take off at home – Rupert Hoogewerf
Rupert Hoogewerf by Getty Images via Daylife Soft drink Wanglaoji from Guangdong tops the fourth Hurun list of Most Valuable Brands with an estimated USD 540 million of value, writes CCTV on their website. List composer Rupert Hoogewerf, who expanded the list from 50 to 100 Chinese brands, sees that brandingRead More →
Sending our June 2009 newsletter
Image by Wonderlane via Flickr We have just launched our June 2009 newsletter including details about Zhang Lijia’s trips to Europe and the US. Also an overview of the waves our speakers made in the mainstream media in the past four weeks. You can read the China Speakers Bureau newsletterRead More →
China’s rich did not change life style – Rupert Hoogewerf
Rupert Hoogewerf China has avoided most of the credit crunch and its rich has not dramatically changed their life style, says Rupert Hoogewerf, author of the Hurun report and tracking China’s rich for over a decade in an interview. His research shows that life has remained the same for 82 percentRead More →
Tips on picking a great speaker: When to look for an outside speaker? (2)
When to look for an outside speaker? “We cannot ask Peter again, can we?” Before starting to give tips on how to look for a professional speaker, we have to see how we get to the point where we actually start to look for outside help. In many cases youRead More →
China: No longer a big story – Paul French
Paul French by Fantake via Flickr Danwei’s Jeremy Goldkorn sits down with the author Paul French to discuss his latest book on foreign correspondents in China, Through the Looking Glass: China’s Foreign Journalists from Opium Wars to Mao. Why did he stop in 1950, is one of the obvious questions.Read More →
Life is much more free now – Zhang Lijia
Celebrity author Zhang Lijia joined recently in Perth, Australia a BBC-show and explained how her life and change had changed. “Life is much freer now.”Read More →
Celebrity author to visit United States – Zhang Lijia
Image by Fantake via Flickr Celebrity author Zhang Lijia is mostly based in Beijing, but this year she has a busy travelling schedule. After a trip to Switzerland (June 23-July 13), she will be visiting also the Netherlands, Belgium and London (19-25 July). In September, October and November she will beRead More →
Most-sought speakers for June 2009
Kaiser Kuo by Fantake via Flickr How do I get into the picture? Every month after publishing our monthly top-10 most-sought speakers some of the few hundred who did not make it to the list wonder themselves what they can do to improve their ranking. There is only one adviceRead More →
Why most M&A deals end up badly – Shaun Rein
Image via Wikipedia Seventy percent of the M&A deals end up badly for the shareholders, research from his Shanghai company CMR group has shown, writes Shaun Rein today in Forbes. Too often companies put together matches that look great on paper but are fraught with management and structural problems thatRead More →