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Credit: from crunch to crash – Victor Shih
Zhu Rongji via Wikipedia China’s efforts to stop irresponsible local lending has changed into an ‘all out’ credit line for local governments, writes Victor Shih, assistant professor in political science, in an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal. Even compared to the financial rescue offered at the end ofRead More →
China Speakers Bureau start pilot with Parliament Speakers
The China Speakers Bureau will start soon a pilot with Parliament Speakers, on of the more established speaker agencies in the UK. We see the demand for our speakers mostly coming from outside China, not surprisingly considering the attention China is getting worldwide. To support that trend, the China SpeakersRead More →
The way out of piracy – Shaun Rein
Chris Anderson via CrunchBase Piracy is the theme of one chapter in an upcoming book by Chris “Long Tail” Anderson and not surprisingly, China is at the core of the chapter. One of our celebrity speakers, Shaun Rein of the China Market Research Group (CMR) in Shanghai tells Chris AndersonRead More →
Most-sought speakers for July 2009
Zhang Lijia at Chateau deLavigny by Fantake via Flickr Zhang Lijia, the author of “Socialism Is Great!”: A Worker’s Memoir of the New China, is the highest runner up in the most-sought list of July 2009, is the biggest mover of the month, although she moved only from the thirdRead More →
In the 1990s, China had lost its innocence – Zhang Lijia
Image by Fantake via Flickr Author Zhang Lijia spoke Friday 17 July in Amsterdam on her autobiography “Socialism is Great”. Her book plays in the 1980s as she is working in a factory for long-distance missiles in Nanjing and ends with the aftermath of the demonstrations she helped to organizeRead More →
Consumer confidence up – Shaun Rein
Image via Wikipedia Consumer confidence in China has gone up, after a small dip in April, says Shaun Rein, commenting on the rather weak figures from Yum, the parent company of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, were presented, in a comment for Reuters.The future looks bright, despite the reportedRead More →
Featuring disappearing Shanghai – Howard French
Howard French by Fantake via Flickr Former Shanghai bureau chief Howard French not only has a distuighisted career as a foreign correspondent in China, Japan and Africa for the New York Times, he is also an accomplished photographer. He documented the old Shanghai, the Shanghai that is now disappearing fastRead More →
Apple’s iPhone faces tough times – Shaun Rein
Image via Wikipedia For China Unicom, currently China’s second-largest mobile phone provider, an expected deal to distribute Apple‘s iPhone in the world’s mist connected nation might be a hit, Shaun Rein does expect major bears on the way for iPod, he tells Brand Republic Asia. Apple will have to makeRead More →
China’s commercial state secrets – Arthur Kroeber
Arthur Kroeber by Fantake via Flickr Many of the larger Chinese companies are state-owned, says analyst Arthur Kroeber in a comment to Australian media, making passing on their information an infringement of state secrets. Four employees of the Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto got arrested by Shanghai State Security andRead More →
Google’s growth not dented by porn row – Shaun Rein
Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Google’s growth in China is not likely to be hurt by the recent porn brawl it had with China’s internet authorities, says analyst Shaun Rein in PC World. The US search engine got itself into hot water as it was accused of facilitating searches forRead More →
‘Socialism is great’ in Amsterdam – Zhang Lijia
Zhang Lijia by \!/_PeacePlusOne via Flickr Zhang Lijia, the author of the autobiography “Socialism Is Great!”, will be speaking at a meeting in Amsterdam on Friday 17 July at the meeting room of On File, at the Singel 46 in Amsterda, very close to the Central Station. The meeting startsRead More →
Shanghai, striving to become a show case for the world – Rupert Hoogewerf
Rupert Hoogewerf by Getty Images via Daylife Shanghai is trying to move up in the world’s view, as the World Expo 2010 comes nearer, says Rupert Hoogewerf in a comment to AP “The barrier is just being pushed higher and higher,” said Rupert Hoogewerf, a Shanghai-based researcher of wealthy Chinese.Read More →