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Buffett’s backing helps car maker to jump on rich list – Rupert Hoogewerf
Warren Buffett by Getty Images via Daylife Wang Chuanfu, heading China’s BYD car manufacturer, junped 102 places on Rupert Hoogewerf‘s annual rich list Hurun, after his venture got the backing of super-investor Warren Buffett, reports Bloomberg. Buffett increased his earlier investment with 500 percent.Wang is now worth 5.1 billion US dollar,Read More →
Ode to the Communist Party – Zhang Lijia
Zhang Lijia by Fantake via Flickr Celebrity author Zhang Lijia recalls for the weblog China Beat, at trip to the new Beijing museum, dedicated to a famous song, “Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China”. (See below). The museum complex felt like a mini-‘Red Base’. By the footRead More →
October 1, crucial for many careers – Shaun Rein
Getty Images via Daylife Shaun Rein uses the two stabbing incidents in Beijing to explain how government in China works. The National Day on October 1, when The People’s Republic of China celebrates its 60th birthday, is a crucial moment for many careers of officials, he writes in Forbes.While itRead More →
Media buyers start to find digital market – William Bao Bean
William Bao Bean by Fantake via Flickr Advertisement agencies and media buyers are slowly finding their way from traditional media into the digital future, says William Bao Bean, partner at Softbanks’s China and India Holdings, the Hollywood Reporter, The market share of online media in China went up last year fromRead More →
China Speakers Bureau September Newsletter online
Zhang Lijia, interviewing prostitute in Shenzhen by Fantake via Flickr We have just sent off our September newsletter to the subscribers, with the latest on our speakers, tips on how to get the best speaker (this month about the timing) and many more background information on the China Speakers Bureau.YouRead More →
Joining QQ International
Image via Wikipedia The famous Chinese IT company Tencent, operator of the popular QQ IM service, will start soon an international leg of its popular application. I have been asked to join QQ and help to moderate its business section. While details are still up in the air, I haveRead More →
Xi Jinping’s surprise delay to the helm – Victor Shih
Xi Jinping by Amphis d’@illeurs via Flickr Upcoming leader Xi Jinping was to many’s surprise not elected as Vice-president into the Central Military Commission (CMC), a step needed to replace current president Hu Jintao in 2013. Political analyst Victor Shih explains in Bloomberg Hu wants to hang on a littleRead More →
China’s luxury market to replace Japan – Shaun Rein
Image by Fantake via Flickr A very optimistic Shaun Rein expects that China’s luxury market will replace in size the Japanese one already by the end of this year, he tells Bloomberg. Especially the Chinese women have been moving up in the picking order for the more expensive goods.Regardless ofRead More →
Fighting internet users stir up Sino-US relations – Kaiser Kuo
Not so polite by Tony Crider via Flickr The relations between the Obama administration and China’s central government have been excellent, despite an averted trade war. But on the internet US and Chinese citizens are stirring up the Sino-US relations, warned Kaiser Kuo earlier this week at a CLSA ChinaRead More →
Most-sought speakers for September 2009
Jasper Becker by Fantake via Flickr Relatively large changes in our top-10 of most-sought speakers at the China Speakers Bureau for September, compared to August. At least four newcomers, although the top-2, Shaun Rein and Kaiser Kuo remain unchallenged.Highest newcomer is the respected China-author Jasper Becker who appears on theRead More →
Capitalism is not dead, but moved to Asia – Shaun Rein
Image via Wikipedia One year after the collapse of the US bank Lehman Brothers, capitalism has not died, but the ball game has moved to Asia, with India and especially China as the new players, argues Shaun Rein in a new commentary in Forbes. One year later, the power brokersRead More →
No tit-for-tat trade war expected – Arthur Kroeber
by Fantake via Flickr After the US announced a levy on Chinese tires, many observers feared a possible trade war between two of the world’s largest economies. According to Dragonomics director Arthur Kroeber from Beijing in Finfacts, a repeat of the 1930s trade wars is highly unlikely.Finfacts: Beijing has builtRead More →