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Tips on how to pick a great speaker (Part Ten): Chinese speakers
The questions sounds logical for a China Speakers Bureau: do you have Chinese speakers from China? The simple answer is yes. But for those who are familiar with China and its opinion leaders might know that our ‘yes’ is not unconditional. Earlier this year we got a request from aRead More →
Most-sought speakers for November 2009: China-US relations galore
Still no.1 via Wikipedia When you are reading these words, two historical events might be over. First, and you might have noticed that one, is the first visit of US president Barack Obama to China. The second one, many of you might not have noticed, but Europe might have itsRead More →
China’s rich are relatively young – Rupert Hoogewerf
Image by Fantake via Flickr Compared to the rich in the developed nations, China’s well-to-do are relatively young, tells Rupert Hoogewerf, composer of the Hurun rich list, the New York Times. Typically, a Chinese individual worth $150 million or more is about 50 years old — about 15 years youngerRead More →
Chinese support one-child policy – Shaun Rein
by Fantake via Flickr As the trip by US president Obama to China comes near, our Shaun Rein continues in Forbes to debunk common myths the outside world might have about China. Earlier he took on three business myths, today focuses on the Chinese genes that prescribe a high savingRead More →
Public tendering goes clean – Paul French
China-hand Paul French sounds a bit amazed as his discovers that efforts to cut back China’s tradition of corruption in public tenders actually seems to work out. In the Ethical Corporation: More than one foreign company has found themselves (let’s be charitable here) unwittingly involved in a dodgy deal. ButRead More →
Liabilities add pressure on future – Victor Shih
Victor Shih by Fantake via Flickr Political scientist Victor Shih is only halfway through a project finding out how huge China’s financial rescue package has actually been, but he is already worried. Not that China’s collapse is imminent, but the country has invested a far larger percentage of its GDPRead More →
The looming housing bubble of 2010 – Arthur Kroeber
Shanghai via Wikipedia Without government action, China is heading for a housing bubble by the second half of 2010, tells Arthur Kroeber Radio Australia. Many people see investment in housing property as their retirement fund. Arthur Kroeber: Housing is really the focus because there really isn’t an effective pension system inRead More →
How can Apple save iPhone in China? – Shaun Rein
Image via Wikipedia Apple‘s partner China Unicom sold since its 30 October debut only 5,000 iPhones, while some market analysts predicted a sale of millions. Shaun Rein explains in Forbes how Apple and China Unicom had it all wrong and how they can save the iPhone by changing strategies fast.WhenRead More →
Why Zong Qinghou could beat Danone – Paul French
Paul French by Fantake via Flickr Retail expert Paul French comes in Forbes with a few reasons why in the epic battle between French giant Danone and its now former China partner Wahaha, the CEO of Wahaha Zong Qinghou comes out as the winner. Just as in the case ofRead More →
Facing the chasm between Chinese and US internet users – Kaiser Kuo
Image by Fantake via Flickr A great speech by Kaiser Kuo earlier this month at the University of Nebraska, addressing the Sino-US relations and how the internet plays an growing role. Few people outside China have an idea how the largest group of internet users, the Chinese, are using theirRead More →
Debunking three China myths – Shaun Rein
Shaun Rein takes the stage again in Forbes, debunking three myths about (business in) China that are no longer true and perhaps never have been.1. China’s economy is export-led2. China has a limitless supply of cheap labor.3, Connections are everythingOne the second point he argues that retaining talent has becomeRead More →
Cutting out the middle men in travel – William Bao Bean
William Bao Bean by Fantake via Flickr William Bao Bean, partner at the Softbank China-India Holdings, gives a thorough overview on how the travel industry in China is developing online. With the Beijing Olympics over and the Shanghai Worldexpo coming, infrastructure in hotels and other tourist facilities have increased dramatically,Read More →