Xi Jinping has been building up a new government structure and the just-installed Central Financial Commission will be key in making financial decisions for the central government, says political analyst Victor Shih in the Financial Times. The “de facto watchdog, planner, and decision maker for China’s US$61tn financial sector, weakening the power of state institutions such as the People’s Bank of China and China Securities Regulatory Commission.”Read More →

China veteran Ian Johnson tells how he got expelled from China and what he found when he returned in 2023 to Foreign Affairs—and discovered what had changed over the past three years with COVID-19 hitting the country. He found a country is in stagnation, he tells in a gloomy diagnosis, although he also discovered dissent was not wholly stifled.Read More →

Leading economist Arthur Kroeber discusses China’s economic state and looks at the gloomy predictions from other economists. We do not have enough post-COVID-19 data to draw firm conclusions, he argues, and goes on to take down three schools of gloom in current economic thinking about China’s future, at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies. Read More →

Former China correspondent and author Ian Johnson was forced to leave the country in 2020 and revisited China earlier in 2023 for Foreign Affairs. He found a country in stagnation, that was used to double-digit growth, but lost its economic glamor, the former power base of the Communist Party. Strict government regulations changed China he knew. Also, information on his latest book Sparks: China’s Underground Historians and their Battle for the Future. Read More →

Former China bull Shaun Rein explains to Ian Bremmer how he changed into a bear during the corona crisis last year. In a wide-ranging exchange of thoughts, he points to the lack of trust and communication between China and the US. And is China moving in the direction of socialism?Read More →

Many observers have been pessimistic about China’s recent leadership changes and the centralization under Xi Jinping. Still, renowned economist Arthur Kroeber sees a significant upside, at least for the short term. Also, what is Xi Jinping’s vision for the country’s economic development?Read More →

Political analyst Victor Shih looks at the seachange that has taken place in China since Xi Jinping took charge. Especially 2015 was the transition year, where Xi and the party even sidelined the previously more powerful state council, he tells at the China Inside Out meeting at the Asia Society in New York, together with his colleagues from the University of California San Diego’s 21st Century China Center (21CCC).Read More →

Alibaba’s plan to split its US$200 billion company into six entities with IPO potential unlocks massive opportunities for investors, says business analyst Shaun Rein to CNA. It also aligns nicely with Xi Jinping’s intention to make China’s economy, more competitive by dividing up the Alibaba giant, he adds.Read More →

At the start of his third term China’s president Xi Jinping has been flexing his muscles internationally, while the country also promised to be open for private and foreign business. Ian Johnson, a scholar at the Council on Foreign Relations, tries to make sense of the conflicting messages at the CFR website.Read More →