China sends its inflation to the US – Shaun Rein
Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke is not worried about inflation in America, writes Shaun Rein in CNBC, but he should be worried when China sends its high costs to the US.Read More →
Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke is not worried about inflation in America, writes Shaun Rein in CNBC, but he should be worried when China sends its high costs to the US.Read More →
Shaun Rein takes on China-bull James Chanos in CNBC and explains why China keeps on investing in infrastructure and why he is underestimating the current growth of wages.Read More →
Even premier Wen Jiabao calls China’s economy unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated and ultimately unsustainable, writes Reuters. But despite those misgivings, economic growth will steam ahead, adds economic analyst Arthur Kroeber. Read More →
Nouriel Roubini via Wikipedia The famous economist Nouriel Roubini predicted the American financial crisis, and now says China is in trouble in 2013, writes Shaun Rein in CNBC. But he is dead wrong on basic trends on income, demographics and investment trends. Shaun Rein on the wages: Roubini also underestimatesRead More →
Shaun Rein is the Managing Director of the China Market Research Group, the world’s leading strategic market intelligence firm focused on China. He is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China. In 2012 he published the bestseller “The End of Cheap China.” He travels from Shanghai.Read More →