After the election of Donald Trump as US president and the possible derailment of Sino-US relations, other countries, like Canada, see opportunities in making trade deals. But striking a balance in trade relations is never straight forward, warns political analyst Victor Shih in the Globe&Mail.Read More →

China´s consumers have been eager purchasers of foreign products, but getting them at the right price proved to be troublesome. New startups are going to make that choice easier, predicts William Bao Bean, general partner at SOSV and managing director of Chinaccelerator, in TechNode, after closing days of presentations by startups.Read More →

Many see president-elect Donald Trump as a disruptive force in international trade, after he decided to cancel the transpacific trade agreement TPP. But for the relations between China and the US, Trump might actually be a blessing in disguise and can deal with China´s protectionism and other issues, argues Shanghai-based business analyst Shaun Rein, author of The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia for CNN.Read More →

While much of the upcoming economic policies of president-elect Donald Trump are still clouded, many expect a golden opportunity for China in the Asia Pacific. But we should not be surprised when China is not that much interested, says economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know® in the South China Morning Post.Read More →

The new rules on taxation of cross-border e-commerce have caused fear the government is trying to kill an increasingly lucrative industry. It was inevitable the government would start to regulate – not kill – this booming business, says Shanghai-based lawyer Mark Schaub in Lexology. The timing was a surprise, and unfortunately, regulations are not very clear, he adds.Read More →

A dramatic reduction of global steel demand has sent the steel producers into disarray. China, good for half of the production, has upset the rest of the world by financing its export. A better policy would be keeping steel in store, until demand picks up again, writes financial analyst Sara Hsu in the Diplomat.Read More →

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the largest trade accord in history is a big deal, agrees economist Arthur Kroeber in a discussion at ChinaFile. But he does not this TPP will help as a tool to stem China´s influence in the region, one of its targets.Read More →