The deal between presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping on a mutual trade peace, reached a hundred days ago, might be over, and was not very realistic to start with, says economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know® to the South China Morning Post.Read More →

US president Trump called China a currency manipulator and announced a 45% import tax on Chinese goods during his election campaign, but instead came up with a 100-day plan to work out friendly relations. Political analyst Sara Hsu discusses how the 100 day plan is developing, and why Trump changed his viewpoint.Read More →

Not being predictable has been US-president Donald Trump’s trademark on foreign policy. When it comes to China, economist Arthur Kroeber prefers to phrase it in another way. “US policy towards China in both security and economic terms remains confused and directionless,” he says in the South China Morning Post.Read More →

Business analyst Shaun Rein told already in his bestseller The End of Cheap China, Revised and Updated: Economic and Cultural Trends That Will Disrupt the World, much of the cheap production was moving from China to other countries. Vietnam, Indonesia and Sri Lanka hope Donald Trump does not find out for the time being, Rein writes in IBT.Read More →

US-president Donald Trump is hitting world trade like an unguided missile and many investors wonder where to put their money now China seems next on his agenda, says Shanghai-based business analyst Shaun Rein in the South China Morning Post. “(Trump) likes to use chaos in order to negotiate.” Australia and Europe could be winning.Read More →

Two very different worldviews conflicted with each other at the just-concluded World Economic Forum in Davos: those of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, although Trump was not physically present. Journalist Kaiser Kuo attended, and looked increasing amazement to the developing scenes, he writes at SupChina. “I do see two different worldviews. And I know which one I find much, much more compelling.”Read More →

While US president-elect Donald Trump prepares to be sworn in, global business leaders worry what the near future might bring them. A trade war, business as usual or something in between? US-China economic relations for sure need a re-set, tells leading economist Arthur Kroeber, and author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know® in the Chicago Tribune.Read More →

President Xi Jinping´s speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos has been greeted with enthusiasm by global corporate leaders, confronted with opposite movements from Donald Trump and the Brexit. But political analyst Victor Shih warns it does not mean China is heartily embracing economic liberalism, he tells the LA Times.Read More →