McDonald´s used to be a winner in China, but has started to face dropping sales. Retail analyst Ben Cavender explains why the US firm is likely to keep on dropping in AsiaOne. Food scandals caused loss of confidence among the consumers, and McDonald´s has been unable to repair the damage.Read More →

Much on the consumer debate in China focuses on the high-income buyers. Time to change that, says retail analyst Shaun Rein, and author of The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia. Spending power of low-income consumers is going up fast, he tells KTUU.Read More →

The decision by Best Buy to withdraw from the China market is not a real surprise, and illustrates that successful brands elsewhere cannot assume they can conquer the China market too, says Shanghai-based retail analyst Ben Cavender in the China Daily.Read More →

Post Mart, a joint venture by China Post and US-based China Horizon Investments Group, it consolidating its China operation. Lack of volume is one of their key problems among its rural customers, says retail analyst Ben Cavender in the China Daily.Read More →