Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Although an acknowledged bull when it comes to the real estate in China, Shaun Rein admits in his latest Forbes column the industry faces huge dangers too. Three to be precise: First, there simply is not enough low- and middle-income housing, because developers buildRead More →

Arthur Kroeber Fantake via Flickr Negative sentiments are out on China in the West again, but economic analyst Arthur Kroeber explains in the Sinica Podcast, lead by Kaiser Kuo, why those bears are wrong. “China is still different.” Most of th€e bears are Western critics, who have no clue about China, Kroeber argues.Read More →

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Is there a bubble in China waiting to burst, for example in real estate? No, says Shaun Rein to Andy Xie in a debate at CNBC. Xie argued that real estate prices in China were overvalued 100 percent. Wrong says Rein. “Our research showRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Is there a bubble in China’s real estate. Yes says independent analyst Andy Xie, but our Shaun Rein takes on that assumption. When 60 percent of the apartments in Beijing are paid for in cash, there is no bubble, he tells CNBC. Both opponentsRead More →

Shaun Rein     by Fantake via Flickr Bot real estate prices and A-shares in China keep on getting investors attention, but as the country prepares for stress tests of their banks, Shaun Rein expects the government will be able to channel fears about the debts of central and localRead More →

Shaun Rein is the Managing Director of the China Market Research Group, the world’s leading strategic market intelligence firm focused on China. He is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China. In 2012 he published the bestseller “The End of Cheap China.” He travels from Shanghai.Read More →

Arthur Kroeber is a respected writer and commentator on Chinese economy and Chinese companies. He has been the managing director and head of research at Dragonomics since 2002. He is also a regular contributor to the opinion page of the Financial Times and a consultant to Oxford Analytica. His articles have also appeared in the Economist, the Far Eastern Economic Review, Wired, and other publications. He travels from Beijing.Read More →

Rupert Hoogewerf is founder and compiler of the Hurun China Rich List. The list is the flagship product of Hurun Report, a luxury publishing and events company founded by Hoogewerf in 1999, which produces 20 Chinese-language magazine issues a year aimed at China’s wealth creators. Hoogewerf’s close personal relationship with many of China’s leading entrepreneurs provides the basis for the company’s busy calendar of events. He travels from Shanghai.Read More →