The quality of the internet in China has become so bad over the past months, it is jeopardizing business operations because of the governmental filters, tells business analyst Shaun Rein in the Wall Street Journal. Pulling out of China is no option, but business might scale down.Read More →

Smart Beijing sat down with “Baidu International Communications Director/Sinica podcast co-founder/pioneering Beijing longhair” Kaiser Kuo, and asked him about life and music in China’s capital Beijing. About Cui Jian, the Black Panther and much more.Read More →

Business apps can companies help to increase productivity, if they are willing to introduce them. Ben Cavender, associate principal of the China Market Research Group (CMR) sees chances for users are high in Asia, he tells ZDNet. ZDNet: Ben Cavender, associate principal at China Market Research Group (CMR), highlighted thatRead More →

The US bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade in 1999 started to change the life of rock musician Kaiser Kuo, then part of the famous band Tang-dynasty. In “Americans in China” he explains how he became an American in Beijing, and spokesperson of the country’s search engine Baidu.Read More →