Arthur Kroeber by Fantake via Flickr For years China has been talking about refocusing its economy on domestic consumption, tells Arthur Kroeber in the New York Times. Now, real change is happening, although we should not expect too much too fast. The New York Times: “For years and years they’veRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr America should not give in on its core values like its democracy, writes Shaun Rein in Forbes, but it can most certainly learn a few lessons from the way China dealt with the financial crisis. First, although China’s leaders are not elected democratically, theyRead More →

Image via Wikipedia China’s central government is walking on a thin line when it defends itself against recent foreign accusations of protectionism against those foreign firms, tells Shaun Rein in Asia One. Senior executives of foreign firm, including Siemens, Google, General Electric and BASF have taken the lead in criticizing China’sRead More →

Victor Shih is assistant professor political science at Northwestern University and aleading specialist on China’s financial systems. Victor Shih has also consulted for the US government and the private sector on risk scenarios and “black swan” events related to China. He travels from Evanston, Ill.Read More →

Shaun Rein is the Managing Director of the China Market Research Group, the world’s leading strategic market intelligence firm focused on China. He is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China. In 2012 he published the bestseller “The End of Cheap China.” He travels from Shanghai.Read More →

Annette D.S.M. Nijs, currently Executive Director Global Initiative of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), is a former Cabinet Minister for Education, Culture and Science in the Netherlands and a former member of the Dutch Parliament. Before joining CEIBS, Annette established the Europe China Institute at Nyenrode Business University where she held the position of Managing Director of the institute. She travels from Amsterdam.Read More →

Arthur Kroeber is a respected writer and commentator on Chinese economy and Chinese companies. He has been the managing director and head of research at Dragonomics since 2002. He is also a regular contributor to the opinion page of the Financial Times and a consultant to Oxford Analytica. His articles have also appeared in the Economist, the Far Eastern Economic Review, Wired, and other publications. He travels from Beijing.Read More →

Current: Partner and Chair, Emerging Markets Practice, Berkeley Research Group LLC (Global Litigation Expert Witness Consulting Firm on Trade/Investment Disputes and Arbitration, Antitrust, CFIUS, Corporate Governance, FCPA, Regulation, and Damages); CEO and Managing Partner, Proa Global Partners LLC (Global Transaction Advisory Firm); Johns Hopkins Faculty; Corporate Board Director; Monthly ColumnistRead More →

Howard French is associate professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism and former New York Times correspondent in Africa, Japan, and China. As correspondent for the New York Times, he was not only an alert observer of the society he was in, but was able to compare and connect between those worlds, much to the benefit of his audience. He travels from New York.Read More →

CEO Philips China (2002-2008) travels from Taiwan Mr. David Chang was appointed as the CEO of the Dutch electronics giant Philips in China on Jan. 1st 2002. Mr. Chang, born in Taiwan is a graduate of Electronic Engineering from the National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan.He has been working with PhilipsRead More →