The party is over for Chinese banks, shadow banking expert +Sara Hsu concluded (together with co-author Andrew Collier) at the Regulator can no longer turn a blind eye, as loans put local governments and private lenders into trouble.Read More →

Shadow banking covers about 25% of China’s financial industry, and poses a threat to the country’s future. Shadow banking expert Sara Hsu fears that these riskier ways of getting finance, shadow banking might collapse and wipe away the savings of many Chinese, if the government does not step in, she tells at the China Weekly Hangout.Read More →

The central government is actively going after its major state-owned banks for ‘violations’ in its lending policies, indicating concern about the direction of China’s financial system. China is not yet facing a Lehman moment, tells business analyst Shaun Rein the BBC, but action is needed.Read More →

Low interest consumer credits are booming in China, tells retail analyst Shaun Rein at WSJ. Ten years ago credit cards did not exists and consumers would even a few years ago purchase BMW’s by bringing cash. But despite the boom bad credit is no issue yet, he says, as limits are touch compared to the US.Read More →