A large chuck of China´s financial markets are underground. Every now and then, authorities dig up those illegal enterprises in an effort to curtail their power. Financial analyst Sara Hsu looks in the Diplomat at the position of those banks.Read More →

The rate cut by China´s central bank PBOC took the markets by surprise on Friday. Business analyst Shaun Rein sees at CNBC some weaknesses in the countries economy, but no reason for panic. China is moving towards services and innovation, and that transition comes with some bumbs.Read More →

The recent predictions on China´s economic development could not have been more different. The Conference Board predicts gloom. The Asia Society finds China is ready for sweeping reforms. Our financial analyst Sara Hsu see slower growth, but also room for reforms, she writes in the Diplomat.Read More →

Finance and real estate produce most of the rich women in China, according tot the new 2014 Hurun China’s Women Rich List, with Yang Huiyan for the fourth time as number one. Women billionaires differ from the men in several ways, Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf told in WomenofChina.Read More →

Europe talks already about a triple-dip, a third financial crisis, as China´s premier Li Keqiang visited the continent with a global anti-recession business trip, offering deals to Germany, Italy and Russia. Financial analyst Sara Hsu. “Bolstering growth is needed in those countries… It won´t be Li´s last tour.”Read More →

China has a long tradition of manipulating its financial data to meet its political needs. That ability is still prominently present, also today, says political scientist Victor Shih in the Global and Mail. China´s economy is much weaker than official figures suggest.Read More →