Hong Kong: too small via Wikipedia The new-to-built Shanghai Disney park should learn from the mistakes that have been made in the Hong Kong park, says Shaun Rein in Reuters. First, size matters. Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research said the problem with the Hong Kong park isRead More →

Image via Wikipedia What foreign companies, trying to tap into the China market, regularly forget is that there is no need for their services, tells retail analyst Paul French at Marketplace Public Radio. Home Depot is an example. Paul French responds to Raymond Chou, president of Home Depot China: CHOU: The HomeRead More →

Image by Getty Images via @daylife The Swedish furniture retailer IKEA has become a public attraction comparable to Disneyland in the small number of stores they have in China, writes Shaun Rein on the CNBC website. When you are too popular as a foreign brand, it is not only goodRead More →

Arthur Kroeber by Fantake via Flickr For years China has been talking about refocusing its economy on domestic consumption, tells Arthur Kroeber in the New York Times. Now, real change is happening, although we should not expect too much too fast. The New York Times: “For years and years they’veRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Home Depot and BestBuy were just two of the foreign companies in China that failed, while the consumer market is reaching record heights. Shaun Rein explains what they were missing in CNBC. First, they get China’s middle class wrong: For one, Western brands needRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Women have been driving the Chinese consumer market for a long time, but now Chinese men are miving in and focusing more on skin care products and other cosmetics, tells Shaun Rein in this discussion on  CNBC. Not only foreign brands like L’Oreal, butRead More →

Image by Getty Images via @daylife It took them a while, but luxury brands are becoming better in targeting the Chinese consumer, especially the young women, says Shaun Rein in CNN. One of the side effects: more work for Chinese models. “People are savvy now, they dress to impress,” saidRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Domestic consumption is growing and Shaun Rein tells at CNBC what companies investors should be looking at in the short term. While both McDonalds and Yum! are doing well, Shaun Rein prefers Yum! since they cater for different consumer markets with different price points,Read More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Shaun Rein talked at the Asia Society in New York on how China’s youth is going to be the economic fuel for two, three decades of solid growth. Youngsters might have less money per capita compared to consumers in the US, but since theyRead More →

Changing families values Chinese women are becoming a new force in domestic consumption as they command half of the household budget, writes Newsweek, who tapped into the brains of Tom Doctoroff, Shaun Rein and Paul French, all speakers for the China Speakers Bureau. Shaun Rein on the figures: For WesternRead More →

Shaun Rein Fantake via Flickr Shaun Rein addresses, after the country got wrongly accused last Friday of blocking all of Google’s services, the China blame game many Western media play at this clip in CNBC.In the debate Rein gets actually told he acts like an apologist for China, but rebuts thisRead More →