Foreign journalists visiting the headquarters of Baidu in Beijing, China’s largest search engine, might be up for a surprise, as they are met by rock musician Kaiser Kuo, also spokesperson of Google’s competitor. Here is a part of the report by Jordan Pouille in Metro.Read More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Google was wrong when it behaved in China as if it was calling the shots, says Shaun Rein to Marketplace, as yet another Google service, Google Maps, is about to be banned. SHAUN REIN: Google really said to the government: do what we sayRead More →

Kaiser Kuo via Flickr Baidu spokesperson Kaiser Kuo triggered off many comments, as he wrote during the visit of Facebook‘s CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Beijing, that the largest social platform should also come to China. Zuckerberg visited Baidu‘s headquarter and had lunch with its CEO Robin Li. Kaiser Kuo (in theRead More →

Kaiser Kuo is an American-born writer, rock musician, technology watcher and cultural commentator. In June 2010 he became director international communication at China’s largest search engine, Baidu was the first Chinese company to become part of the NASDAQ-100 index. Read More →

CEO, Trombly International (formerly Trombly Ltd.) Travels from Boston In the trenches in Chechny. As a war correspondent for Reuters. As a foreign correspondent in Moscow. As a securities journalist in Wall Street. As a business woman outsourcing US journalism in China. When Maria Korolov is speaking, you feel theRead More →