China veteran Kaiser Kuo,  host of the renowned Sinica Podcast, moderates a debate on China’s strategy in the global power transitions for the Ukrainian Platform for Contemporary China. Some of the key questions: How does the Russo-Ukrainian War affect China’s relations with its key partners? How has the Russo-Ukrainian War reshaped China’s economic capacity?Read More →

While China is seriously trying to get to terms with the end of the zero-Covid policies since the end of December 2022, international business has not been following suit, according to the Financial Times. International business delegations and other foreign visitors have not yet returned to Shanghai, writes the paper.Read More →

The world has been utterly confused by China’s attitude to Russia and the war in Ukraine. One thing is sure, says China analyst Ian Johnson in an opinion piece for CNN, we should not expect China to solve the war in Ukraine. “Becoming involved in foreigners’ disputes makes no sense. Better to stay out of the fray, see who is likely to win, and then cut deals,” Ian Johnson says.Read More →