China veteran Ian Johnson, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR), looks at how the groups of China dissents abroad, have dramatically changed since the Tiananmen Square crackdown, on the CFR-blog. “Long known for being riven by personality disputes and having little impact back in China, overseas activists now seem more united and more plugged into China than before.” he writes.Read More →

Business analyst Shaun Rein comments on the disappointing figures from Alibaba for CNA. “The economy is improving, but certainly not on track,” he says. While the consumers might be traveling more compared to 2019, they are certainly spending less, as their confidence is low, Rein adds.Read More →

China’s new government promised foreign companies a more open economy, but the recent raids on China offices of Bain and Capvision consultancies leave foreign investors confused, says political analyst Victor Shih at Hong Kong FP. “It’s very puzzling considering Beijing says that it will boost foreign investment and entrepreneurial spirit. It seems like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.” Read More →

Many observers have been pessimistic about China’s recent leadership changes and the centralization under Xi Jinping. Still, renowned economist Arthur Kroeber sees a significant upside, at least for the short term. Also, what is Xi Jinping’s vision for the country’s economic development?Read More →

Political analyst Victor Shih looks at the seachange that has taken place in China since Xi Jinping took charge. Especially 2015 was the transition year, where Xi and the party even sidelined the previously more powerful state council, he tells at the China Inside Out meeting at the Asia Society in New York, together with his colleagues from the University of California San Diego’s 21st Century China Center (21CCC).Read More →

China veteran Kaiser Kuo, co-founder of the Sinica Podcast and editor-at-large of the China Project, discusses the current state of the US-China relations, together with Susan Shirk, introducing her latest book, Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise at the Richard M. Krasno Distinguished Professorship at UNC-Chapel Hill, presided by Klaus Larres.Read More →