US President Donald Trump wants US companies to fight China, but they rather flee for greener pastures not to their home countries, says financial analyst Sara Hsu at the ChinaUSFacus. But some might decide to swap countries too early, she warns.Read More →

China internet giant Alibaba struck a major deal last week with Russia’s – one of Russia’s leading tech and media conglomerates that is already called Russia’s Alibaba. A smart move says Russian Ashley Dudarenok, a veteran marketer on China’s e-commerce and author of Unlocking the World’s Largest E-market: A Guide To Selling on Chinese Social Media in the China Economic Review.Read More →

A market of four billion users is waiting to be tapped into and William Bao Bean, managing director of the Shanghai-based SOSV, explains how his MOX is helping startups to do so. With a solid background in banking, telecom and the internet, William saw how mobile applications disrupted traditional industries, and offer new possibilities for companies to enter developing markets. Read More →

Enterprise accelerator MOX (mobile only accelerator) let six startups show-case in Singapore last week. William Bao Bean, partner at the Shanghai-based SOSV explains how his network helps to use big data to enhance their chances on a global market, he tells at E27.Read More →

Chinese companies have been gaining market share in India on a large scale, but in a different way than other foreign companies. William Bao Bean, managing director of the Chinacellerator, looks at their strategies and how they gained market share, for US News. William Bao Bean has a solid business background in both China and India.Read More →

Business analyst Shaun Rein author of The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order defines three different relations China can have with other countries: hot, warm or cold partners. From Cambodia he reports how a hot partner like Cambodia can deal with its powerful neighbor, according to the Phnom Penh Post. Read More →

China’s erstwhile “peaceful rise” has been less peaceful over the past years. Will China face a pushback from its neighbors, asks former foreign correspondent Mary Kay Magistad author Howard French of Everything Under the Heavens: How the Past Helps Shape China’s Push for Global Power in a wide ranging interview about his book in PRI.Read More →

The official growth figure was put this week at 6.9% and shows, says business analyst Shaun Rein at Money Control, the country has enough room to grow, at least at the short term. “The fears over China are largely unwounded at least in the short-term.”Read More →

China´s increased economic power, through BRICS´ alliances and the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, have been looked upon with anxiety by especially American analyst. We should not look at those steps as an evil movement, argues financial analyst Sara Hsu in the Diplomat.Read More →

After decades of stellar growth in China, some analysts have start to suggest India might actually overtake as the global economic wonder. Business analyst Shaun Rein is not on their side, he tells in CNBC, and explains why China might outperform India also in the future. What is his take on India?Read More →