China’s President Xi  Jinping turned against his erstwhile handpicked ally Admiral Miao Hua, a member of the powerful Central Military Commission (CMC). Political analyst Victor Shih explains at CNN this change in Xi’s long-standing struggle against corruption.Read More →

In Southern Beijing, China is building the prestigious Beijing Daxing International Airport, due to open next September and serving up to 72 million passengers annually by 2025. But it is not only glamor being constructed, writes Beijing-based author Ian Johnson for the New York Times. If the military would not tightly control the Chinese airspace, the airport would not be needed to start with.Read More →

After a century of submission under foreign powers, China is winning back its old glory, and its influence in the region and the world, writes Howard French, author of Everything Under the Heavens: How the Past Helps Shape China’s Push for Global Power at the New York Times.Read More →

While religion is getting more leeway in China, the opposite is happening for the Tibetans and Uighur, says journalist Ian Johnson, author of the upcoming book The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao in the Globe&Mail. Just last week Xinjiang, home to the Uighur, saw a strong increase in security forces.Read More →

How do China’s current global efforts to expand its power, link to its past as a world might? Journalist Howard French explores in his new book Everything Under the Heavens: How the Past Helps Shape China’s Push for Global Power the historical roots of China’s position as a world power.Read More →

China´s demographic problems might stop its economic development in its tracks, writes author Howard French in the Atlantic. Not only can China not deal with its aging population, “some Chinese experts now say that the country’s economic output may never match that of the U.S..”Read More →

If the big military parade in Beijing proved one thing, it is Xi Jinping is firmly in charge, writes defense analyst Wendell Minnick in Defense News. “Instead of party members, Russian President Vladimir Putin stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Xi.”Read More →