Beijing is now having more (US$) billionaires than New York, says Hurun rich list founder Rupert Hoogewerf in his latest report, according to AP, despite the fierce drop in stock prices of the last six months. “People will look at China the same way that people looked at Stanford or Silicon Valley in the 1990s.”Read More →

Huawei has replaced Xiaomi as the preferred mobile in China. Is you want to be cool, you buy Apple, if you want a decent local product, you buy Huawei, says business analyst Shaun Rein in Yahoo Finance. Xiaomi is still a good company, but US$45 billion might be a little bit high, he says.Read More →

Study hard and make money fast, was what parents told their offspring in the past when they would sent them off to study. Successful tech giant like Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent have created new role models for graduates, tells Shanghai-based VC William Bao Bean in the Technology Review. Aspiration: becoming a VC.Read More →

We hope your year 2015 starts with a blast, just like ours. China is changing in rapid pace, and we hope to be also your 2015 match maker if you are looking for experts on the fast moving realities in China.

What do we expect in 2015?Read More →

A major shift in consumers preferences in China is that from foreign brands to Chinese. Author Shaun Rein of The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia explains in CNBC how the top-5 brands at Singles´Day illustrates the growing China pride.Read More →

Change in the key word to understand China, tells business analyst Shaun Rein in an interview with the Sourcing Journal. “What works now, will certainly no longer work in three years time, says the author of The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia.Read More →

Ashley is a China marketing expert with 12 years of professional experience in China. Ashley is fluent in Mandarin, Russian, German and English. She travels from Hong Kong.Read More →