When you deal with consumers in China, WeChat and its payment systems, cannot be ignored. Starbucks did so for years, and lost much business, says business analyst Shaun Rein to Bloomberg. The American company now joined WeChat, although concerns about data safety remain.Read More →

Getting traction among China´s picky consumers is one thing, keeping it up is another. Larger foreign firms like Yum and Starbucks have been slow in picking up consumer trends in China, says business analyst Shaun Rein to Bloomberg, for example in their adoption of fintech developments.Read More →

Business analyst Shaun Rein does not support the current bearish mood on China´s economy, he tells MoneyControl. There are weaknesses, but economic growth for Q4 will be at or close to 7 percent, he says. And weaknesses offer opportunities, if you have a strong stomach.Read More →