Author Shaun Rein has to defend his book The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia, against the blockade of internet companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter in an interview with Richard Heffner. This is how China´s protectionism has helped domestic firms.Read More →

Google services in China have been disrupted for the past ten days and business analyst Shaun Rein explains at Bloomberg TV how foreign and domestic businesses in China face limitations in their global operations. Although in the short run US tech firms suffer most.Read More →

Facebook is blocked in China, just like Twitter and Google, but is opening a sales office in China. Chinese companies have to tap into the sales power of Facebook as they go abroad, as their global ambitions grow, explains business analyst Shaun Rein on Bloomberg TV. How do you want to sell in Indonesia or the US if you are not on Facebook?Read More →

The story Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone will offer investors uncensored internet, is a very small, but highly symbolic move by China’s government, explains business analyst Shaun Rein in Bloomberg. Some sections of the government are listening to complaints by foreign and Chinese business leaders, but do not expect major changes fast.Read More →

China’s government has picked Google’s Android for its dominant position, because the government simple does not trust Google, tells business analyst +Shaun Rein to Bloomberg. But Android has not real local competition for the next two, three years, and China’s consumers just want the best, he addsRead More →