Internet search engine Baidu is now the most-wanted employer for graduates from Beijing’s top universities, writes their director communication Kaiser Kuo on their weblog Baidu Beat. Job search engine Zhaopin listed the internet company as the 2011 Best Employer.Read More →

Baidu director international communication Kaiser Kuo explains on CNN why Baidu is better than Google in China. “Google is better in English search, but – surprisingly – most Chinese speak Chinese.” Including quotes on Baidu’s global aspirations and internet censorship.Read More →

Setting the stage for the holiday season, Chinese American Kaiser Kuo, currently director international relations for search engine Baidu, calls for real people-to-people relationship on a rally to support Americans studying in China and improve mutual relations, according to the China Daily.Read More →

After a decade, internet enthusiast and rock star Kaiser Kuo wrote his last column “Ich bin ein Beijiner” in The Beijinger, his take on his new home town in China. But he is not gone, he notes: “I’m not going anywhere, and you’ll know where to find me.” Kuo is currently spokesperson for search engine Baidu.Read More →

One of the mantra’s in our communication with our speakers is: make yourself heard. So we push them to write on weblogs, mainstream media and some of the many social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and the upcoming force: Google+. Read More →

Poor accounting standards in China make Chinese investors very weary of stocks in any Chinese company, business analyst Shaun Rein discovered in his research. In CNBC he explains why they prefer real estate, even though the government tries to cool down the industry.Read More →

China’s IT firms like Baidu and Tencent have become some of the most valuable brands in the country, says Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf in “Thoughtful China”. Baidu has become as a brand more valuable than a much larger company like the Bank of China. Problem: hardly any China brands are able to gain traction globally.Read More →

China’s leading search engine Baidu is leapfrogging from Google and Bing by adding more semantics into their box search, making it much smarter, explains their spokesperson Kaiser Kuo to Penn-Olson. “Getting relevant results is even more important for mobile.” Read More →