Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Shaun Rein recalls in CNBC a proposed investment of US§ 50 million in a Chinese internet venture that did not exist, and was only cancelled after some solid due dilligence was done. The investor “had only been to China once, when the CEO ofRead More →

Too America-centric via Wikipedia Apple was able to cause some queues when their iPad hit its two stores in China, but according to Shaun Rein Steve Jobs is still too much focused on America, ignoring lucrative markets elsewhere, he tells the Mercury News. “Apple has great products the whole worldRead More →

Image via Wikipedia Apple’s iPad has arrived today in China and, says Shaun Rein in the Wall Street Journal, that is a smart move of the US company, as customers are waiting eagerly. Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, says the iPad could give Apple a boost.Read More →

Kaiser Kuo is an American-born writer, rock musician, technology watcher and cultural commentator. In June 2010 he became director international communication at China’s largest search engine, Baidu was the first Chinese company to become part of the NASDAQ-100 index. Read More →