The German electronic retailer Media Markt announced now officially it will close its China stores in April, after a two year long expedition into the China market. Retail analyst Ben Cavender sums up for the China Daily what Media Markt did wrong.Read More →

Apple’s recent success in China might have gained it a lot of admirers. But the company could have done much better and could have turned China into its largest market, retail analyst Shaun Rein tells in the Pandodaily. Read More →

Apple might be doing well in the China market, they could do better, tells business analyst Shaun Rein in Bloomberg. Apple is losing ground to the competition, because they focus better on the Chinese consumer.Read More →

Apple might celebrate a huge success in China, but the US company could have done much better if they had followed a ‘China-first’ strategy from the beginning, says Shaun Rein, author of the book The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that will Disrupt the World in SFgate and on Bloomberg.Read More →

Silicon Valley companies face fast rising costs when they make their products in China. Low-end production might move to other Asian countries, but for high-end products, companies should face the new China reality, says Shaun Rein, author of The End of Cheap China, in Mercury News.Read More →