Money goes before politics during president Xi Jinping´s week-long visit to the United States. And the many CEO´s of American top firms, who will meet the Chinese leader, face dilemma´s, says business analyst Shaun Rein in Market Place.Read More →

US tech giant Apple has taken over the number one position as most popular gift from designer good maker Hermes, according the the newest Hurun luxury report. Travel is the main driving force, says Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf as Chinese buy 7 out of 10 luxury products overseas, according to Reuters.Read More →

A larger number of foreign companies have been accused of price-fixing. For all the wrong reasons, and based on little proof, argues author Paul French in Ethical Corporation. They include “Unilever, Qualcomm, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Chrysler, Microsoft, BMW, Nike, a whole bunch of Japanese car parts manufacturers and quite a few other corporations”.Read More →