Founding principal and CEO of CreditSpectrum Corp (former R&R Consulting), which is a pioneer in dynamic structured credit modeling tools.
Travels from New York
An adjunct assistant finance professor at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong, Ms. Rutledge has consulted to high-level representatives of China’s MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), CCDC (China Bond), CFOs of large SOEs, SOE banks and security companies, municipal and commercial leaders of Hangzhou, Tianjin, Shanghai and Beijing cities, and national accounting and statistics bureaus under the Ministry of Finance. Other clients of R&R expert services have included the European Central Bank, U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, the World Bank, Metlife, Mass Mutual, and other globally focused private equity firms and asset managers.
As an expert, she has testified before the United States Senate on The State of the Securitization Markets. Her exposé of the role of CDO ratings in the Global Financial Crisis was published in the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report by the United States Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. She has provided expertise on complex transactions for the United States Department of Justice, the PCAOB and other regulatory institutions, large institutional investors, banks, and shareholders of a global rating agency. Under a grant from Swift Institute, Ms. Rutledge published Who Will Take the Lead in Shaping China’s Securitization Market Model? She is the first author of A Real Fix for Credit Ratings, published by Brookings Institution. She developed the first licensing manual and examination (Paper 10) for credit rating agency analysts in Hong Kong. With Sylvain Raynes, she co-wrote Elements of Structured Finance (2010) and The Analysis of Structured Securities (2003) published by Oxford University Press.
Ann Rutledge in October 2014, on The credit Market situation, the US vs China