Shaun Rein

The internet censorship is worse than ever over the past ten years, tells business analyst Shaun Rein at Bloomberg. And it is hurting business. For internet companies going global, China’s internet policies are a big hurdle to enter markets outside China, he says.

Shaun Rein praises Kaiser Kuo, the director international relations of China’s largest search engine Baidu, who has explained publicly the censorship is costing his company a lot of money to comply with. But behind the scenes, all larger internet companies disapprove of the current internet blocks, although he does not see any changes fast very soon.

Shaun Rein is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

The China Weekly Hangout on Thursday 21 March will focus on food security, together with sustainability expert +Richard Brubaker . Thousands of dead pigs in Shanghai’s Huangpu River showed that the food chains in China are very rotten. You can read one of our announcements here or register here for the event.

Earlier, we discussed with Richard Brubaker China’s nuclear power plans and the questions whether NIMBY protest could derail them.


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