Paul French

Paul French‘s bestseller “Midnight in Peking” was already much praised, and got now also a raving review in the Wall Street Journal.

The Wall Street Journal:

Mr. French’s account is never less than fascinating, and it is delivered at the unflagging pace of a rickshaw man’s fast trot. It would be churlish to reveal his surprising conclusions. Suffice it to say that his story climaxes in the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp where both Pamela’s father and her apparent murderer were interned together for five years during World War II.

Pamela Werner’s effect on history was faint. (Her grave lies lost somewhere beneath one of current Beijing’s ring roads.) But in recovering her short life and terrible fate, Mr. French has given us one of the best portraits of between-the-wars China that has yet been written.

More in the Wall Street Journal.

Additional mentions in The New York Post and The Independent.

Paul French is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

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