Jim Rogers

Renowned investor Jim Rogers learned from the China market 23 years ago in a painful boom-and-bust cycle. Now he is bullish on China, but shares a few tough lessons he learned in those early days, he will not forget, he writes in the Daily Wealth.

Jim Rogers:

A lot has happened in 23 years. A lot has changed.

Today, I’m incredibly bullish on China. Prices are rising. And trillions of dollars are set to flow into Chinese stocks in the coming years.

That’s because of three big stories we’ve been covering here in DailyWealth

After 23 years, this is the setup I’ve been waiting to see… And I believe this time, the gains could be even bigger than what I experienced during my first China boom.

But if you’re going to invest in China, you’ve got to be smart. You’ve got to learn from my mistakes.

That means you need to avoid catastrophic losses. You need to have a plan and stick with it.

I suggest using trailing stops on your investments. That’s how you stay in for the upside – and protect yourself on the downside. And it’s the right way to benefit from the China boom that’s happening right now.

No market stays in bad shape forever… least of all China. I’ve seen what the Chinese markets can do, firsthand. And you really want to invest in this incredible boom.

So make a plan… and take advantage of it!

More in the Daily Wealth.

Jim Rogers is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

Are you interested in more financial experts at the China Speakers Bureau? Do check out this list.


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