China’s financial authorities might be wary of Bitcoins and other digital currencies, but the country is embracing the underlying blockchain technology. Self-driving cars, agriculture, retail and other industries use the deep pockets of the government to introduce the new technology.
At the China Speakers Bureau, we offer a range of speakers who can help you to make sense out of this new direction China is taking, leading the way for global innovation.

William Bao Bean is Investment Partner at SOS Ventures and Managing Director of Chinaccelerator, the first and longest-running startup accelerator program in China based out of Shanghai.SOSventures is a usd235m evergreen fund known as the “Accelerator VC” with six partners running five global accelerator programs: HAX for hardware in Shenzhen, Indie.bio for biotech in San Francisco and Ireland, Food-X for food in New York and Chinaccelerator for Internet in Shanghai. SOSventures invests in over 140 companies per year and over its 22 years has a net realized IRR of 36% putting it in the top 3% of VCs in the world.

Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group (CMR)
His latest book The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order is bound to become his third bestseller.
He is also the author of The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia, his second agenda-setting book on China.
Shaun Rein is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China. His book ´The End of Cheap China. Economic and Cultural Trends that Will Disrupt the World´, published in 2012, solidified his reputation for challenging established classic ways to frame China.
You can read some of Shaun´s recent contributions here.

Paul Gillis is a professor of practice and co-director of the IMBA program at the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University, CPA.
Paul Gillis is a renowned and outspoken analyst of accounting practices of foreign firms in China. As a retired partner at PWC (1976-2004) he teaches accounting, auditing, and finance at the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University since 2007. He has lectured at the Communist Party School and regularly speaks to investor and corporate groups.
He published in 2014 his book The Big Four and the Development of the Accounting Profession in China (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought, based on his Ph.D.
You can read Paul Gillis´ recent comments here.

Matthew Brennan is a well-known speaker and writer on the topics of WeChat and the China digital ecosystem, now expanding fast into international markets.
He is regularly quoted in international media (The Economist, Bloomberg, Forbes, The Financial Times, BBC, TechInAsia). His company organizes China’s largest WeChat marketing conference series for international companies.
Matthew’s company China Channel is a China-focused tech consultancy and research firm. He holds 13+ years on the ground entrepreneurial experience in mainland China. Co-host of the China Tech Talk podcast produced together with Technode, China’s largest English language tech media.
You can read some of his recent articles here.

Ben Cavender is a senior analyst with The China Market Research Group (CMR) focusing on strategic planning and brand positioning. Next to his boss, Shaun Rein, he has become one of the leading voices of his firm.
His focus on retail has also made him into an e-commerce expert. No brand, no product in China can nowadays survive without also a solid online marketing strategy,
You can read some of the articles who quote Ben here.