The official trade war between the US and China seems to be entering its end game. But that does not mean the hostilities will end. Making sense out of what the world’s first and second-largest economies will do will only be slightly easier. A few speakers at our office might be able to help you out.

Jim Rogers is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, In and Co-founder of the Quantum Fund
Two decades ago Jim Rogers moved to Singapore as he emerges as a major bull on Asia. Since then he stuck to his guns as a successful investor, made sure his daughters were fluent in Mandarin and became a leading voice on investments in China, Asia and elsewhere.
Now he is predicting a bear market, the worst we have ever seen. Most recently he published Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets
Recently he sold his US shares for Chinese equity. One of the main assets of China, Rogers says, is the One-Belt, One-Road program.
Are you looking for more recent stories by Jim Rogers? Do check out this list.
Are you interested in having Jim Rogers as a speaker? Do get in touch.

Arthur Kroeber is former chief editor of the leading China Economic Quarterly. He is one of the leading bulls on China´s development and one of the first to dismantle the next China doomsday scenario.
Arthur Kroeber is Managing Director and Head of Research, GaveKal Dragonomics, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Brookings-Tsinghua Center.
In 2016 he published China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®
You can read his recent articles here.

Harry Broadman is a private equity Investor; PwC Emerging Markets Investment Leader; Chief of Staff, U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisors; World Bank Official; Harvard Faculty; Author, Africa’s Silk Road: China and India’s New Economic Frontier
A globally recognized authority on China’s enterprise and banking reforms; 40+ years as a senior business executive and board director throughout the emerging markets; Pioneering thought-leader on global business growth strategy, risk and innovation.
Trump needs allies to challenge China on trade – Harry Broadman in Forbes.
You can read some of his recent articles here.

Mark Schaub is partner at King&Wood and Mallesons, the largest law firm in China and Australia combined.
In 2018 he became a partner of KWM London.
“In China, nothing is impossible … nothing is easy.”
Mark Schaub is a prolific speaker who wastes no time in avoiding the real challenges in doing business in China.
As a lawyer he had extensive experience in negotiating deals, firing people and otherwise dealing with the ignorance of companies entering the Chinese business minefield.
You can read more articles by Mark Schaub here.

Sara Hsu is an expert on China’s urbanization, finance and shadow banking
She joined in 2019 SupChina, the leading podcast on China, as a columnist on financial technology.
Sara Hsu travels from New York
You can read some of her recent articles here.

Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group (CMR) Shaun Rein is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China.
At the end of 2017, he published The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order, his third book after two earlier bestsellers.
His first book The End of Cheap China, Economic and Cultural Trends That Will Disrupt the World published in 2012, solidified his reputation of challenging established classic ways to frame China.
In 2014 he published his second book The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia. In that book, he explains how China from a copy-and-paste culture is now developing into one of the world´s leading innovators. He is a regular commentator on Bloomberg TV, The Wall Street Journal, and other mainstream media.
The Boao forum: a stepping stone in China’s global policies – Shaun Rein
You can read about Shaun Rein´s recent activities here.

Ben Cavender is a Director of The China Market Research Group (CMR), which he joined in 2006. His work at CMR focuses on consumer behavior analysis, market analysis, due diligence, retail strategy, brand positioning, and growth strategies in the China market.
His role at CMR includes oversight of projects for Fortune 500 companies, SMEs, and domestic Chinese companies in the e-commerce, entertainment, fashion & apparel, food & beverage, hospitality, luxury goods, and TMT sectors seeking to expand their presence in China and abroad as well as for institutional investors and their portfolio companies.
He is a frequent speaker internationally and in China on a variety of topics related to business in China including innovation and future planning, economic and government policy, consumer trends and retail trends
You can read some of his recent articles here.
At Reuters, he commented on the possibility of a backlash at US companies in China.