Foreign companies fear an increasing risk in China, now the government is tightening legal supervision, fighting corruption, tightening visas and banning business practices that were considered to be common up to a year ago. The GSK-case might be one of the high-profile casualties in the anti-corruption drive, but many foreign companies or industries are worried about those changes.
The China Speakers Bureau can offer a range of experts on risk management in China. Are you interested to retain one of these speakers at the China Speakers Bureau for your event? Drop us a line.

William Bao Bean is Investment Partner at SOS Ventures and Managing Director of Chinaccelerator, the first and longest-running startup accelerator program in China based out of Shanghai.SOSventures is a usd235m evergreen fund known as the “Accelerator VC” with six partners running five global accelerator programs: HAX for hardware in Shenzhen, Indie.bio for biotech in San Francisco and Ireland, Food-X for food in New York and Chinaccelerator for Internet in Shanghai. SOSventures invests in over 140 companies per year and over its 22 years has a net realized IRR of 36% putting it in the top 3% of VCs in the world.
You can read some of his articles here.

Harry Broadman is a private equity Investor; PwC Emerging Markets Investment Leader; Chief of Staff, U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisors; World Bank Official; Harvard Faculty; Author, Africa’s Silk Road: China and India’s New Economic Frontier
A globally recognized authority on China’s enterprise and banking reforms; 40+ years as a senior business executive and board director throughout the emerging markets; Pioneering thought-leader on global business growth strategy, risk and innovation.
You can read some of his recent articles here.

Ben Cavender is a senior analyst with The China Market Research Group (CMR) focusing on strategic planning and brand positioning.
Recent Project Experience: Fortune 100 Chemical Company-5-Year Growth Strategy: Over a 6 month engagement focused on understanding emerging market trends, evaluating competitors’ positions in the market, analyzing value chain inefficiencies, and uncovering potential growth markets in order to develop a 5 year growth strategy for the China market Billion Dollar Private Equity Fund-Investment Strategy: Conducted due diligence into $100 million USD investment including assessment of management capabilities, potential of brand and products for long term growth, strength of retail network, and evaluation of competitor threats to develop an investment recommendation and strategy.
You can read about Ben Cavender´s recent activities here.

Paul Gillis is professor of practice and co-director of the IMBA program at the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University, CPA.
Paul Gillis is a renowned and outspoken analyst of accounting practices of foreign firms in China. As a retired partner at PWC (1976-2004) he teaches accounting, auditing, and finance at the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University since 2007. He has lectured at the Communist Party School and regularly speaks to investor and corporate groups. He published in 2014 his book The Big Four and the Development of the Accounting Profession in China (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought, based on his Ph.D.
You can read about Paul Gillis´ recent comments here.

Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group (CMR)
Shaun Rein is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China.
At the end of 2017, he published The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order, his third book after two earlier bestsellers.
His first book The End of Cheap China, Economic and Cultural Trends That Will Disrupt the World published in 2012, solidified his reputation of challenging established classic ways to frame China.
At the end of 2014, he published his second book The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia. In that book , he explains how China from a copy-and-paste culture is now developing into one of the world´s leading innovators.
He is a regular commentator on Bloomberg TV, The Wall Street Journal and other mainstream media.
You can read about Shaun Rein´s recent activities here.

Ann Rutledge is founding principal and CEO of R&R Consulting, which is a pioneer in dynamic structured credit modeling tools. Ann Rutledge´s insights on the often complicated credit markets are a welcome addition to our agency. She has been consulting to high-level representatives of China’s MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), CCDC (China Bond), CFOs of large SOEs, SOE banks and security companies, municipal and commercial leaders of Hangzhou, Tianjin, Shanghai and Beijing cities, and national accounting and statistics bureaus under the Ministry of Finance. Other clients of R&R expert services have included the European Central Bank, U.S.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, the World Bank, Metlife, Mass Mutual, and other globally-focused private equity firms and asset managers.

Mark Schaub, Partner at King&Wood and Mallesons, the largest law firm in China and Australia combined. Mark Schaub is a prolific speaker who wastes no time in avoiding the real challenges in doing business in China. As a lawyer he had extensive experience in negotiating deals, firing people and otherwise dealing with the ignorance of companies entering the Chinese business minefield. Mark Schaub has 20 years of legal experience in China and was the first foreign lawyer to enter a Chinese law firm. You can read about Mark Schaub´s recent activities here. Are you interested in other subjects concerning China?