When you look at the pictures or lists of speakers´agencies, you might notice this is mainly a man´s business. We estimate that this is a reflection of the past: most agencies are tied to that past: politicians, business people and experts who earned their strips when women might have been holding up half the sky, but certainly did not talk about that.
As a relatively new agency, at the China Speakers Bureau, never ran into that problem: women are still a minority at our lists and rankings, but a sizable minority of about 40 percent. We seldom point that out to our clients and potential clients, but want to make for once an exception.
Here is the list of the most prominent female speakers at the China Speakers Bureau, in alphabetic order.

Zhang Ying is professor on Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
Zhang Ying can cover a wide range of China related subjects, including Chinese economy and its transition, Chinese firms catching up in the world, Chinese entrepreneurship and digital transformation (fin-tech to fin-life).
She started early 2017 a partnership between Huawei and RSM on digital education.
In April 2017 Harvard Business School published a case study on Ant Financial, formerly known as Alipay, of the Alibaba Group with Zhang Ying as co-author.
You can read some of her recent stories here.

Sara Hsu is one of the most recent arrivals at the China Speakers Bureau. Based in the US, she is one of the more prolific writers on China´s financial troubles, and a solid analyst of its announced reforms.
Income inequality, shadow banking, the Renminbi trade: there are no financial subjects Sara does not address. Your ideal speaker for any financial conference with a link to China.
You can read a regularly updated list of her publications here.

Heleen Mees shocked the academic and financial world by putting the blame of the financial crisis solidly in the corner of China. Not the evil bankers at Wall Street or Alan Greenspan were to blame, according to Heleen, but China derailed the world´s economies.
China´s extraordinary high savings have put the world´s economy at stake, that might hurt, as the country grows fast older before it can put its economy in order.
You can read some of her contributions here.

When former Dutch cabinet minister Annette Nijs walked along president Xi Jinping when he recently visited her international business school CEIBS in Shanghai, we got a rare view of Annette´s position in China´s business education. Mostly behind the scenes, she works as executive director global initiative on the international expansion of CEIBS.
By using CEIBS´ vast base of knowledge, she is able to address most business subjects related to China. Africa was the first on CEIBS´expansion, but meanwhile other continents have been included.
You can see the news on Xi Jinping´s visit here.

Wang Haiyan is a managing partner of the China India Institute in Washington.
The China India Institute is a research and advisory organization with a focus on creating winning global strategies, organizations and mindsets that leverage the transformational rise of emerging markets, foremost China and India. She has also been an Adjunct Professor of Strategy at INSEAD.
Haiyan has been listed by Thinkers50 in “On the Guru Radar” and short-listed for the “2011 Global Village Award.” She has also been named a “New Guru” by The Economic Times.
You can read her full profile here.

Author and story-teller Zhang Lijia made her debut with her biography, telling how she developed from a worker at a Nanjing rocket factory into a well-known journalist and writer.
Based in Beijing, she is on top of the changes in China´s capital, its culture and changes in the position of women. Early 2017 she published a novel on prostitution in China, based on her grandmothers experiences, Lotus: A Novel.
You can read Zhang Lijia´s recent stories here.
Are you interested in one of these or other speakers? Drop us a line.