The sudden US$9.3 bn restructuring of the Dalian Wanda deals left many observers flabbergasted. Most companies in China simply do not have the experience to execute this kind of large deals, says business analyst Ben Cavender to the BBC.
The BBC:
The restructuring of the deal was “kind of crazy” said Ben Cavender, senior analyst with China Market Research.
“It is very concerning, and it’s very unusual at this late stage to have a $9bn deal, and then to have another deal with another company in place.”
He added Chinese firms were running into trouble because they did not have the due diligence or vetting in place for large mergers and acquisitions.
“They put out a lot of press, then the regulators realise there’s some issues that need to be addressed. I suspect that’s what happened here.”
The initial transaction had been a surprise – not least because it represented a U-turn from Dalian Wanda’s ambitions to expand in the tourism sector.
The three Chinese theme parks had only opened in the past year, and were intended to compete with US giant Disney’s ventures in the country.
Ben Cavender is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.
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