Getting your branding right in China remains a challenge. Consumers react differently from those in your home markets. Their media consumption is different, and their online tools – where most Western ones are blocked – are very different indeed.
At the China Speakers Bureau, we can help you in developing the right strategy, by offering leading experts on branding in China. Here we offer four or them, but we have more to offer. Do get in touch for more details.

Ashley Dudarenok is a China marketing expert with 12 years of professional experience in China. Ashley is fluent in Mandarin, Russian, German and English.
Ashley is a China marketing expert, serial entrepreneur, professional speaker, bestselling author, vlogger, podcaster, media contributor and female entrepreneurship spokesperson. She is the founder of several startups, including social media agency Alarice.com.hk and resources & training company ChoZan.co.
Ashley is a member of Alibaba’s Global Influencer Entourage and works directly with a Tencent core founder to conquer Western social media. She runs Asia’s #1 entrepreneurship vlog at www.youtube.com/c/
For Ashley’s recent contributions on China, click here.

Ben Cavender is a Director of The China Market Research Group (CMR), which he joined in 2006. His work at CMR focuses on consumer behavior analysis, market analysis, due diligence, retail strategy, brand positioning, and growth strategies in the China market.
His role at CMR includes oversight of projects for Fortune 500 companies, SMEs, and domestic Chinese companies in the e-commerce, entertainment, fashion & apparel, food & beverage, hospitality, luxury goods, and TMT sectors seeking to expand their presence in China and abroad as well as for institutional investors and their portfolio companies.
He is a frequent speaker internationally and in China on a variety of topics related to business in China including innovation and future planning, economic and government policy, consumer trends and retail trends
You can read some of the articles who quote Ben here.

Tom Doctoroff is the leading authority on marketing in China. His successful book What Chinese Want: Culture, Communism, and China’s Modern Consumer has founds its way to the shelves of almost every company working in China. Mr. Doctoroff switches in his speeches easily from a hands-on approach to a higher level and prevents any confusion by telling again many real-life stories from the dynamic marketing scene in China.
In a very visual style, loaded with telling examples Mr. Doctoroff tells the compelling story of China’s emerging consuming middle class. His humor and dynamics make his subjects attractive for highly diverse audiences.
He recently published Twitter is Not a Strategy: Rediscovering the Art of Brand Marketing
You can read some of Tom´s quotes here.

Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group (CMR)
At the end of 2017 he published his latest book The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order
Shaun Rein is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China. His book The End of Cheap China, Revised and Updated: Economic and Cultural Trends That Will Disrupt the World, published in 2012, solidified his reputation of a leading voice, challenging established classic ways to frame China.
He is a regular commentator on Bloomberg TV, The Wall Street Journal and other mainstream media. At the end of 2014, he published his second book The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia. In that book, he explains how China from a copy-and-paste culture is now developing into one of the world´s leading innovators.
You can read about Shaun Rein´s recent activities here.