The Antarctic and the Maldives are just two of the travel destinations preferred by China´s rich, who increasingly book their own trips. Those are just a few of the conclusions of the Hurun Chinese Luxury Traveler 2015, a 40-page report on the travel trends of the Chinese luxury high net worth individual, Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf tells Mice News.
Mice News:
The Hurun Report ran two surveys. The first polled 291 super luxury travelers, defined as individuals who spent US$30,000 or more on travel in the past 12 months, making this the largest and most significant survey of the Chinese outbound luxury travel sector.
“Hurun Research Institute carried out the survey between March and May in association with three of China’s leading luxury travel agencies: Diadema, Magic Travel and HH Travel,” it says. “Magic Travel and HH Travel and are the bespoke luxury travel brands of listed companies UTour andCtrip respectively.”
The survey asked respondents for their travel trends, and three specific case studies: Their most memorable trip last year; Their Chinese New Year trip this year; and their leisure travel plans for the next three years.The poll showed 55 per cent of respondents were from the first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with the rest from 23 provinces and including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau for the first time.
“Respondents were 40 years on average, married and with a 13-year-old child,” the researchers say. “They have a net worth of US$13 million and last year spent an average of US$58,000 on travel with the family. They were very international, having worked, studied or lived overseas for two years, traveled to 27 countries and taken 2.5 cruises. One-third had travelled to Antarctica last year.”
This survey of super travelers, who have spent US$30,000 or more last year on travel in the past year, “is significant, because they are ahead of the curve and give an indication of what we can expect to come from the so-called normal luxury traveler”, (Hurun founder Rupert) Hoogewerf says.The results of the best outbound luxury travel agencies were based on a separate bespoke survey of 72 luxury hoteliers, carried out between April and May in association with ILTM and GHC, a leading luxury travel PR agency. Respondents replied to an unprompted question: “Which are the three most important luxury travel buyers from China that you currently do business with?” For the first time, the survey asked for the luxury travel buyers from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
“The recent popularity of Antarctica for the Chinese luxury traveler shows how much experiential travel is now on the cards,” Hoogewerf adds.
Rupert Hoogewerf is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers´ request form.
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